Chicago Area Shortline Railroads

Ag Valley

Reporting Marks: AVRR


Start: 5/10/2013

Ag Valley Railroad, LLC to acquire and operate approximately 3.09 miles (16,304 feet) of existing railroad right-of-way and trackage and transloading facilities owned by Ag Valley Holdings, in Chicago, Illinois.
Ag Valley Holdings, owns the Chicago Transload Facility trackage. The trackage is used in conjunction with interchanging to and from Chicago Rail Link, carloads of inbound vegetable co-products and outbound animal feed ingredients and bio-diesel feed stocks and related products after transloading, and inbound carloads for transloading into trucks for final delivery.

There is currently 16,304 linear feet of track located on the Chicago Transload Facility.

Right of Way

Ag Valley Railroad map


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